Monday 11 April 2011

Vegas Day 2 - Respect the Desert!

Picture above - our view from room at Bellagio

After a mire 3 hours sleep, we were up! Some of the hotels in Vegas are known to pump more oxygen into the rooms and casino (including mine) which meant that you stayed awake longer and didn't need to sleep as much - idea being, the longer your awake, the more time you've got to bet! But we didn't mind, actually liked it - more time to spend in Vegas, and not waste it in fairy land!

Once we were all ready we hit the Gym, been a fair few months since I had ventured into one, but never-the-less we proceeded to do a full session - tearing every muscle to within inches of its life (a price that we would pay a few days later!)

Following on from the gym, we hit the Buffet. (I forgot to mention in Day 1, that not only did we get an awesome upgrade, but we also got free VIP line tickets to the buffet, which for anyone thats been there will know how long it can get!). Everything was on offer, sausages, bacon, eggs, pancakes, fresh fruit, omlettes, pizza - you name it, they had it! As you can imagine, there wasn't much conversation at the table, just the noise of us scoffing down our breakfasts!

Next - the Pool! To my delight the pool was a good temperature, I was half-bracing myself to deep-freeze my nuts, but they and I were pleasantly surprised! (dunno why, we were in the middle of the desert!!! must be because British water very rarely climbs above a respectable and non-ball-retreating temperature!)

Being the pale-skinned chap that I am, I only hung around the pool for 30mins before I felt it time to hit the tables again! The others stayed and caught up with me later - a decision they would dearly regret...!

My first full-day of betting saw me destroy my daily limit of gambling money and question my liking for this place, but the others did alright, so wasn't a complete downer. The only thing to lift my spirits was seeing my two mates in pain after getting a good grilling by the desert sun! Both were red-raw and nursing their skin with aftersun and moisturiser! Lesson to be learnt - Respect the Desert!

4 other friends of mine had landed in Vegas the day before us, and were staying at Excalibur. We went to meet them, and of course of compare rooms! Excalibur or Bellagio - enough said!

We all decided to pool together $10 each and have a go on roulette - $5 on each persons number for 2 spins, and see what happens.... WINNER!! We hit a good few numbers and managed to get the $10 back each plus an additional $450!! The money would be going towards to BNO (Big Night Out!).

We hung with them for a bit longer, made plans for the rest of the trip before returning to the Bellagio for further money-burning! :-/

Another late night for me, but for one of my friends who had decided to book the Grand-Canyon trip, it was gonna have to be an all-nighter as he would have to meet the pick-up in 45 minites!

Day 2 over and out!

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