Monday 11 April 2011

The wonderful world of football...

I love football! I have ever since I can remember. My parents say that as soon as I could walk, I always had a football at my feet; in the house, walking to school, eating dinner, and so on... I think this was primarily because my older brother by four years played football, and being the younger brother - I followed suit.

I simply play football because I enjoy it, not just for the health reasons - thats just a Brucey Bonus. I cannot imagine weekends, or life for that matter, without football. What do people do with their weekends that don't watch or play football?!? I can only imagine that they sit at home, watching tv, or reading a book - Yawn!

To me, there is no greater sport than football. The highs, the lows, the celebrations, the drama - I really cannot understand anyone that does not enjoy football at some level. Wheather it be watching, playing, betting, coaching, managing, reffing - football brings together people from all different cultures, backgrounds and countries - and unites them as one. Until, of course, one team plays another team - and then comes the drama.

What isn't to like about football? If nothing else, its active and healthy. 90 minutes of football has to be more enjoyable than 90 minutes pounding away on a moving belt, that actually, takes you nowhere. And you will spend time with friends and other football enthuiasts - which can improve your mood, self-esteem, lower stress-levels and keep you motivated (see here).

So, I invite you all (if you aren't already) to join me and embrace the wonderful world of football into your lives....

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