Tuesday 12 April 2011

Vegas Day 3 - Now I get it...

Picture above - Me (left), Adam aka Sweat Patch (right)

Day 3 started with a wake up call from Goose - he returned from his Canyon trip around 10am and was desperately in love with the female helicopter pilot! As usual we headed down stairs for our buffet breakfast, of course going straight to the front of the queue in true VIP style, leaving all the other mugs lining up.

After breakfast we headed on over to Desert Pines Golf course on the north side of Vegas, we were due to tee off at 1.50pm - at the peak of the Desert Sun, and with our new found respect for its wrath, we were prompt to cream up! I think it's fair to say that we all had extremely Average, boarding on poor rounds, but we had all the excuses lined up - the heat, hard course, hadn't played there before, we using clubs we hadn't used before, its goes on... Adam was shanking balls all over the shop, and even though he bought a load before we started, he had to stop to buy more after hole 9! We also teamed up with a fourth person in our round, a guy called Jerry who was from the 'East Side' and always had a cigar on the burn the size of my forearm! I think Adam wanted a go on it, but was too shy to ask.

After golf we headed on back to the Bellagio, some random from the course shared our taxi with us but offered to pay the fare - Bonus!

Goose, after not sleeping since early yesterday morning was keen to get a quick power-nap before heading out for the night, so we all got 40 winks.

It was time to put the money we'd all won to good use and hit the town for our BNO (Big Night Out). The other 'Excalibur lot' made their way over to the Bellagio as we were getting a Limo to the Moon night club at the Palms. On their arrival to the Bellagio, it was apparent they had already been drinking, and 'Lightweight Lee' had already puked.

A limo ride later we arrived at the Palms and headed into the Moon - A nightclub on the 60th floor with an outside balcony overlooking the Las Vegas Strip! Awesome! We used the remaining money to buy 'a' round of drinks - 7 x Coronas and 7 x Shots = $160!! Ouch!

After we all made some shapes on the dance floor we headed down to the casino. We found ourselves at the 'Craps' table - a game that til now we were only placing 'Field' bets on. But with some coaching from other players, I started to get the hang of it, and soon found myself a cool $100 richer! Once again I Love Vegas!

Taxi back to the Bellagio, and with my new found knowledge of Craps, me and Goose hit the dice once again. $40 in each to start off with. We were stationed next to two hilarious Mexican guys who were on a hot streak and in no time at all, me and the Goose were in triple figures each and wanting more! Adam was over playing roulette, and was missing out on all the money and high-fives with the Mexicans! After a while Adam made his way over to join in the fun, but it would only be me and Goose that would leave with any money. Adam got pressured into playing 'The Horns Bet' and was bleeding cash, while we were on a steady rise!

A drunk chinese woman came to watch the table called Tiffany - the Mexicans were quick to to rename her Fanny - dunno why but was funny! So with every throw of the dice they would chant 'Fanny, Fanny, Fanny' or shout 'Fanny-Lew' - she was drunk so didn't really care, but everyone at the table was having a whale of a time at Fannys Expense!

Anyway, me and Goose won more money on Craps, whilst Adam continued to lose all his money he'd won from roulette on the 'Horns'!

At 6am we were ready for bed when it dawned on us that we hadn't eaten. We were in two minds, wait til 7am for the buffet to open or raid the shop for crisps and chocolate...... we couldn't wait til 7!

Tonights winnings - $440!
Time to bed - 6.20am.

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