Wednesday 13 April 2011

Vegas Day 5 - The Golden Handshake

After just a few hours kip,  we were up and still buzzing from last nights win! I thought that being the 'Shooter' aka the one responsible for us winning all this money, that Adam and Goose would do the decent thing and throw me a golden-handshake ($10? $20? or maybe even $50 due to the size of the win, or even club together and cover my breakfast) - but No! Nadda! Zilch! Instead I paid for me own breakfast, from my Own money - appalling friendship and gratitude!

After breakfast, we packed our bags and headed to the Airport...

I made made a few subtle and well placed hints about the Golden-Handshake, or LACK of, and while standing in the queue at security, the moment came! Adam reached out (I could see a note in the palm of his hand - it was happening), placed his hand in mine, and slipped me the note. "You complete Tit!". The tight-fisted mother-trucker had slipped me a Buck! A lonely, single Buck! One Dollar (or about 70p)!! Not cool man, not cool!

The plane journey home was better than expected in terms of flight time. Was only 4 hours instead of 6 to JFK, and 6.5 hours to Heathrow instead of 8.5. Good times!

So a fantastic time in Las Vegas! We all had a great time, and better still - came home with some money!! I took $950 out with me, and returned with $1400! As I had 'written-off' that $950 to spend, I actually felt like I was $2350 up on the trip! Adam also came home up, while Goose was only $200 shy of returning home even. I've had worse holidays! :-D

.....but I am still waiting for the Real Golden-Handshake!

Over and out!

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