Wednesday 13 April 2011

Vegas Day 4 - call me 'Shooter'

Our last full day in Sin City was upon us. Of course the usual routine of VIP Stylee Buffet Breakfast was administered, before hitting the 'mall' to do a spot of shopping. With my cheeky little win last night burning a hole in my wallet, I decided to get the Mrs a nice gift to take back (after all she did allow me to come to Vegas without her, even though I said I would take her months ago!! oops, better be a good present!).

We headed on over to Caesars Palace first of all, Goose wanted to check out 'The Hangover' T-shirts and other merchandise. FYI - the shopping mall at Caesars in Ma-Hoosive! Several hours later, and bearing many gifts, we slowly crawled back to the Bellagio to freshen up for our last night.

We were tipped off by a local cabby that there was an amazing Brazilian Steak house just off the strip, and so that would be our destination for dinner.... or so we thought! When we arrived ($15 cab ride) at the Steak House, we all looked a little hasty. We were expecting a lively, pumping Brazilian Steak House. Instead, we found ourselves standing at the bottom of a rough looking set of steps leading to the back of a closed salon - not quite what we were expecting. We decided to go back to a French restaurant we spotted, that was opposite the Bellagio at Paris (another $15 cab drive back - not even eaten yet and already were $30 down!).

Surprisingly the steaks were half the price of anywhere else we had seen and seemed to be a better restaurant!

After dinner (gone 11pm now!) we headed back to the Bellagio for a last all-nighter before heading home in the morning. We started off in the Poker Room, all 3 of us managed to get on the same $1-$2 No-Limit Hold 'em cash game, bonus! After a roller-coaster of emotions and several vodka's, a few hours had passed, and with our winning form on Craps (for me and Goose that is), we were keen to get back on it.

I had a bit of a shaky start - mainly due to Goose rolling 7's every other throw - Grrr! But I managed to keep my head above water and started to see some positive cash-flow.

Around 3am, it was my turn to 'Shoot' the dice. With this being our last night and all, I decided, along with Adam and Goose, to go-for-it a bit more and raise our bets! My first 3 throws saw a 7, 11 and 7 (if your not familiar with how to play Craps - that's good! at the start and while the game is "off" anyway!). Then I proceeded to have the roll of my life.... roll after roll I was smashing numbers. Everyone at the table was loving it - high fives, knuckles and even a few high-tens were thrown about! It was unreal and without knowing it me and Adam had over a 'Grand' in chips......each!!

We had been tipping the dealers by placing bets for them, so when I was winning - they were winning! So even they were loving my hot streak! But like all things, it came to an end :-( The dealers edged us to take our money and run as they said they don't see rolls like that very often! I counted up £1347, Adam $1300 and mother-Goose $900!! Kaaa-Chiiinnnggggg!!!! Over $3000 profit between us!

I put the 'odd' $47 from my winnings on number 7 on roulette, but no joy - my luck was done!

4.30am, $3000 better off - lets get a few hours shut eye before travelling home.....Done!

When we returned to the room, my dad was there - we played the whole 'we lost all our money' routine, before throwing our 'Hundred-Dollar' bills in the air and re-living the unbelievable roll I had down stairs!

From now on, you can call me 'Shooter'! Pow!

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